My blog of progress, and or failure as I attempt making a music project.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ragged Sail

I am quite satisfied now that I've overcome this snag in the writing of my new song. Not only can I sing it while playing a part I didn't think I could sing to, but I've eliminated all the lines in the song I was dissatisfied with. Its about 3 minutes and 30 seconds long.

I am thinking about changing the name which would change the name of the demo.
It might be The Ocean and I or Everything In Between the Ocean and I.

So the demo would be (The Ocean and I).

I hope this is the last song I write about sailing. There is just too many of them out there. But hey my goal is not being original, just to write songs. Originality hardly exists in music anyway.

I still haven't finished my recording of A Closing Parenthesis. Hopefully soon though. I guess in the mean time I could start recording the new one.

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